A Child Safe Environment

Promoting a Child Safe Environment

Victoria's Child Safe Standards
Keysborough SC welcomes Aboriginal children. We support them to express their culture and to enjoy their rights. We don鈥檛 allow racism.
Child safety is important to everyone at all levels of Keysborough SC. We document how we find, avoid, and stop risks of child abuse or harm.
Keysborough SC supports children to know their rights to be safe from abuse, informed, and involved. We help them to talk openly and take part in decisions that affect them.
Keysborough SC tells families and the community about what we do, and how we keep children safe from harm and abuse. We help families to have a say and to take part in decisions that affect their child.
Keysborough SC understands that every child is different and has different needs. We make sure that they can get the information and help that they need.
Staff know what they must do to keep children safe from abuse and harm. They record, report, and share information about child safety when they should. Staff who work with children have had the background checks they need.
Children and their families know how to make a complaint and what happens when a complaint is made. Your staff know how to respond properly to complaints.
Keysborough SC trains and supports staff to keep children safe from abuse and harm. Our staff know the signs of child abuse and harm and what to do if there are issues of abuse and harm.
Keysborough SC makes sure children are safe when they use our services, settings, and activities. This includes when children are online.
Keysborough SC checks and improves the ways we keep children safe from abuse and harm.
Keysborough SC has written policies about how we keep children safe from abuse and harm. They are easy to understand, and all staff follow them.


The Victorian government has introduced compulsory minimum child safe standards that apply from 1 January 2016 to all organisations providing regulated or funded services for children. The child safe standards form part of the Victorian Government鈥檚 response to the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry, which found that more must be done to prevent and respond to child abuse in our community.

The purpose of the child safe standards is to drive continuous improvement in the way organisations prevent child abuse, encourage reporting and improve responses to allegations of abuse. The child safe standards closely align with existing regulatory requirements for early childhood services and many services will already be taking steps to implement the standards.

Keysborough Secondary College Child Safety Polices can be found here

Please read these policies. We welcome all comments you may have in regard to the policies, as this will assist our development and review process.

We especially invite feedback of the Child Safety and Wellbeing policies and practices.

In complying with the child safe standards, the following principles must be applied to each standard:

  • promoting the cultural safety of Aboriginal children
  • promoting the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • promoting the safety of children with a disability


The child safe standards are as follows:

  • Child Safe Standard 1 – Establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
  • Child Safe Standard 2 – Ensure that child safety and wellbeing are embedded in school leadership, governance and culture.
  • Child Safe Standard 3 – Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.
  • Child Safe Standard 4 – Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
  • Child Safe Standard 5 – Equity is upheld and diverse needs are respected in policy and practice.
  • Child Safe Standard 6 – People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
  • Child Safe Standard 7 – Ensure that processes for complaints and concerns are child focused.
  • Child Safe Standard 8 – Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
  • Child Safe Standard 9 – Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
  • Child Safe Standard 10 – Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved.
  • Child Safe Standard 11 – Policies and procedures that document how schools are safe for children, young people and students.

Ministerial Order 1359 provides the framework for child safety in schools.
Guidance and information to assist services to understand the requirements of each of the child safe standards, is available on the聽